So, as you can see from my first post, this blog started out as a project for class, but will turn into a record of how wonderfully funny I find my life to be. First let me say, I love God and sooooo appreciate His love, grace, and mercy. Second, I think God has a great sense of humor and at times at my expense:), which I don’t mind. I figure He has given me so much that the least I can do is make Him ROTCL (roll on the clouds laughing).
I haven’t always loved my life. I’ll discuss that more in-depth some other time, but for now I want to give a little background into why I will use this blog to document my life’s journey (and trust me, you will enjoy it as much as I do). Growing up I thought I was being punished and for the life of me I didn’t understand why me. Now, I’m not saying my life was harder or worse than the next but it was my life and as a child, life seems much worse. As I got older, I understood that I wasn’t being punished. It was what it was and I could either do what needed to be done to make my future better or I could let my surroundings be my future. I chose the former. That is what lead me to where I am today living a wonderfully funny life:). So, won’t you join me on my journey as I live, love, laugh, and cry.
I cant wait to be apart of this journey. I'm learning to enjoy the journey experiences only cause there are blessings that are so wonderful that come out of them I cant see now:) Just know that Im here to love, laugh, and cry too!